Reporting or updating a serious incident

Are you reporting a new serious incident or updating an existing one?
Are you reporting a new serious incident or updating an existing one? null
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You must only update a serious incident on behalf of a charity if you have been authorised to do so by the trustees. If you have not been authorised by the trustees to report a serious incident but need to report concerns about a charity, please read our guidance here Open in new window

Do you have authority to update the incident(s) on behalf of the trustees?
Do you have authority to update the incident(s) on behalf of the trustees?
You must obtain authority to update the incident(s)

You must obtain authority to update the incident(s) from the trustees and resubmit this form. If you do not have authority from the trustees but need to report concerns about a charity, please read our guidance here: Complain about a charity Open in new window Open in new window
If you’re an employee or volunteer, there is specific guidance here: Report serious wrong doing at a charity as a worker or volunteer Open in new window.
If you're an auditor or independent examiner, specific guidance can be found at: Matters of material significance and reporting by auditors and independent examiners to the charity regulator Open in new window and Reporting relevant matters of interest to UK charity regulators.


You must only report a serious incident on behalf of a charity if you have been authorised to do so by the trustees. If you have not been authorised by the trustees to report a serious incident but need to report concerns about a charity, please read our guidance here Open in new window

Do you have authority to report the incident(s) on behalf of the trustees?
Do you have authority to report the incident(s) on behalf of the trustees?

You must obtain authority to report from the trustees and resubmit this form. If you do not have authority from the trustees but need to report concerns about a charity, please read our guidance here: Complain about a charity Open in new window.
If you’re an employee or volunteer, there is specific guidance here: Report serious wrongdoing at a charity as a worker or volunteer Open in new window Open in new window.
If you're an auditor or independent examiner, specific guidance can be found at: Matters of material significance and reporting by auditors and independent examiners to the charity regulator Open in new window and Reporting relevant matters of interest to UK charity regulators.


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Incident number
Is the charity registered with the Charity Commission?
Is the charity registered with the Charity Commission? null
Charity name or number
Select a charity
Charity name or number to reset lookup

Type the charity name or number to search, then click in the select a charity field to select the correct charity

Charity name
Title null
Given Name null
Family Name null
Your email address null
Your telephone number null
Additional information on previously reported incident
What is your connection to the charity? (You can select more than one option)
What is your connection to the charity? (You can select more than one option)
Authorised professional advisor

Professional advisors must only report a serious incident on behalf of a charity if they have been authorised to by the trustees. Auditors and independent examiners should read the guidance at:
Matters of material significance and reporting by auditors and independent examiners to the charity regulator Open in new window Open in new window and Reporting relevant matters of interest to UK charity regulators

Describe your connection to the charity
Choose the best option to describe the incident type (select one option only)
Choose the best option to describe the incident type (select one option only)

Other significant incidents include the following:

  • An incident has occurred involving one of your charity's partners in the UK or internationally which has materially affected your charity, its staff, operations and/or reputation.
  • It has been discovered that one of the charity's trustees or a senior manager is disqualified from acting.
  • Something has happened to force your charity into insolvency or to wind up (e.g. unmanageable debts or reduced income streams).
  • Your charity's operations are threatened because your main or only bank has withdrawn banking services, and you can't find another bank that will accept you
  • Your charity is subject to a police investigation or a significant investigation by another regulator/agency.
  • Major governance issues, or other events, leaving the charity unable to operate (e.g. mass resignation of staff/trustees).
  • The charity's trustees or employees are subject to criminal proceedings connected with the charity or their role in it.
  • There has been a significant data breach or loss within your charity.
Which of the trustees are aware of the incident(s) you are reporting?
Which of the trustees are aware of the incident(s) you are reporting?
Specify which trustees are aware of the incident(s) (for example is only the Chair aware?)

Which trustees are aware of this incident?

Trustee names

If the Trustee is not listed please select the + and provide the trustees name in the format title, given name, family name.
If your Trustee information is not up to date, please remember to update this online as soon as you are able by logging into the 'Update Charity Details' service.

Charity number hidden for data provider
Did the incident take place on a single date or did it take place over a period of time?
Did the incident take place on a single date or did it take place over a period of time?
For example, 12 11 2007
What was the date of the incident?
Is this an approximate date?
Is this an approximate date?
For example, 12 11 2007
When did the charity become aware of the incident?
Is the incident still ongoing (for example, because it is still under investigation) or is it now over?
Is the incident still ongoing (for example, because it is still under investigation) or is it now over?
For example, 12 11 2007
Confirm the date the incident started on
Is this an approximate date that the incident started on?
Is this an approximate date that the incident started on?
For example, 12 11 2007
When exactly did the charity become aware of the incident
Confirm the dates for the period of time over which the incident took place

Enter details below

Confirm the dates for the period of time over which the incident took place

Enter details below

For example, 12 11 2007
For example, 12 11 2007
Is this time period approximate?
Is this time period approximate?
Did the incident take place in part of the UK or overseas? (Must select at least one but can be multiple selection)
Did the incident take place in part of the UK or overseas? (Must select at least one but can be multiple selection)
Confirm the overseas country or countries where the incident has taken place or is alleged to have taken place
Do you know or suspect that a crime has been committed?
Do you know or suspect that a crime has been committed?
Did the known or suspected crime involve a UK national or someone with a claim to UK residency?
Did the known or suspected crime involve a UK national or someone with a claim to UK residency?
Have the Police been informed?
Have the Police been informed?
What you should do
If a reportable incident involves actual or alleged criminal activity then you must also report it to the relevant agencies:
  • safeguarding incidents: you should report allegations or incidents of abuse or mistreatment of people who come into contact with your charity through its work to:
    • the police and obtain a crime reference number (call 101 or make a report at a local police station), and
    • the local authority and other relevant agencies
  • fraud and cyber-crime: you should report allegations or incidents of fraud and cyber-crime to Action Fraud via its online reporting tool ( Open in new window), ensuring you obtain a crime reference number and making clear that you’re representing a charity
  • theft: you should report allegations or incidents of theft to the police (call 101 or make a report at a local police station) and obtain a crime reference number
  • links to terrorism and extremism: you should report links or alleged links to terrorism and extremism to the police and obtain a crime reference number. If you don’t do this immediately, you may be committing a criminal offence under Section 19 of the Terrorism Act 2000. You can report this type of incident to the police in the following ways:
    • via the National Crime Agency website
    • call the Metropolitan Police Anti-Terrorist Hotline on 0800 789 321
    • call 101 or report it at a local police station
  • criminal activity overseas: you should usually report any actual or alleged criminal activity that takes place overseas to local law enforcement authorities and/or safeguarding organisations in the location where this occurred. There may also be circumstances where it is necessary to report this to UK authorities. For further guidance on this, please see the Commission’s guidance on criminal reporting ( Open in new window).
Crime or report reference number
Name and contact details for the Police or other relevant agencies

Enter details below

Name and contact details for the Police or other relevant agencies

Enter details below

Contact Telephone Number
Contact Email Address
Explain why the Police haven't been informed
Have you reported the incident to any other regulator(s) or statutory agencies?
Have you reported the incident to any other regulator(s) or statutory agencies?
Identify the regulators/agencies that you have reported the incident to
List the agency or agencies you have reported to including the contact name and number and any reference numbers.
Has the charity prepared or released any media handling/press lines in relation to the incident?
Has the charity prepared or released any media handling/press lines in relation to the incident?
Provide details of the media handling/press line(s) prepared/released by the charity (include link to press release if applicable)
Are you reporting on behalf of more than one charity?
Are you reporting on behalf of more than one charity?
Provide details of the names and, where applicable, registration numbers of the other charities you are reporting on behalf of
Do you have the authority from all of these charities to report on their behalf?
Do you have the authority from all of these charities to report on their behalf?

You must obtain the authority of all of the charities to make the report on their behalf

Choose one or more options to describe the people protection/ safeguarding incident you are reporting
Choose one or more options to describe the people protection/ safeguarding incident you are reporting
Describe the type of people protection/safeguarding incident you are reporting
Confirm the type(s) of abuse/mistreatment (alleged or actual)
Confirm the type(s) of abuse/mistreatment (alleged or actual)

Bullying and harassment is behaviour that makes someone feel intimidated or offended. Harassment is unlawful under the Equality Act 2010. For further information and examples of bullying or harassing behaviour, see the guidance here: Open in new window

Confirm the type(s) of sexual abuse/ mistreatment (actual or alleged)
Confirm the type(s) of sexual abuse/ mistreatment (actual or alleged)

Sexual harassment is a form of unlawful discrimination under the Equality Act 2010. It is unwanted behaviour of a sexual nature, which:

  • violates your dignity;
  • makes you feel intimidated, degraded or humiliated;
  • creates a hostile or offensive environment

You don’t need to have previously objected to someone's behaviour for it to be considered unwanted. Sexual exploitation means any actual or attempted abuse of a position of vulnerability, differential power or trust for sexual purposes, including, but not limited to, profiting monetarily, socially or politically from exploitation of another.

Specify the type(s) of sexual abuse/mistreatment (alleged or actual)
Confirm the number of persons (estimated if not known) who have been or are alleged to have been been abused/mistreated
Confirm the age of the person(s) who has been or is alleged to have been abused/mistreated
Confirm the age of the person(s) who has been or is alleged to have been abused/mistreated
Confirm the gender of the person(s) who has been or is alleged to have been abused/mistreated
Confirm the gender of the person(s) who has been or is alleged to have been abused/mistreated
Describe the connection to the charity of the person(s) who has been or is alleged to have been abused/mistreated
Describe the connection to the charity of the person(s) who has been or is alleged to have been abused/mistreated
Describe the connection to the charity of the person(s) who has been or is alleged to have been abused/mistreated
Describe the connection to the charity of the person(s) who is or may have been responsible for the incident reported
Describe the connection to the charity of the person(s) who is or may have been responsible for the incident reported The trustees must have reasonable grounds for believing it was a particular person or persons and provide details of any supporting evidence in the summary of the incident section of this form.
Describe the connection to the charity of the person(s) who is or may have been responsible for the incident reported
Is the role of the person(s) who is or may have been responsible for the incident reported eligible for a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check?
Is the role of the person(s) who is or may have been responsible for the incident reported eligible for a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check?

You can use the DBS Eligibility Guidance to check if a role is eligible for a DBS check: Open in new window

Has the person(s) who is or may have been responsible for the incident had a valid DBS check by or on behalf of your charity?
Has the person(s) who is or may have been responsible for the incident had a valid DBS check by or on behalf of your charity?
Confirm the gender of the person(s) who is or may have been responsible for the incident reported
Confirm the gender of the person(s) who is or may have been responsible for the incident reported
Where did the incident take place or is alleged to have taken place?
Where did the incident take place or is alleged to have taken place?
Confirm where the incident took place or is alleged to have taken place
Describe the breach of procedures or policies which has put beneficiaries, staff, volunteers or others who come into contact with the charity at risk of harm
Describe the breach of procedures or policies which has put beneficiaries, staff, volunteers or others who come into contact with the charity at risk of harm
Specify the breach of procedures or policies which has put beneficiaries, staff, volunteers or others who come into contact with the charity at risk of harm
Is there a significant current risk of harm to beneficiaries, staff, volunteers or others who come into contact with the charity through its work?
Is there a significant current risk of harm to beneficiaries, staff, volunteers or others who come into contact with the charity through its work?
Describe the significant current risk of harm, explaining who is at risk and why
Choose one or more options to describe the financial crime or attempted financial crime you are reporting
Choose one or more options to describe the financial crime or attempted financial crime you are reporting
Specify the type of financial crime or attempted financial crime
What type of fraud or attempted fraud occurred? Choose one of more options
What type of fraud or attempted fraud occurred? Choose one of more options

For guidance about fraud types, please see Action Fraud's A-Z of fraud types at Action Fraud's comprehensive A-Z of fraud types Open in new window

Specify the type of fraud or attempted fraud
What type of cyber crime or attempted cyber crime occurred? Choose one or more options
What type of cyber crime or attempted cyber crime occurred? Choose one or more options
Specify the type of cyber crime or attempted cyber crime
Was the financial crime or attempted financial crime caused by internal or external individuals or bodies? Choose one or more option
Was the financial crime or attempted financial crime caused by internal or external individuals or bodies? Choose one or more option
What was the role of the internal person who is thought to be responsible for the financial crime or attempted financial crime? Choose one or more options
What was the role of the internal person who is thought to be responsible for the financial crime or attempted financial crime? Choose one or more options
Specify the roles of the people who are thought to be responsible
What action has the charity taken against this person? Choose one or more options
What action has the charity taken against this person? Choose one or more options
Specify why no action was taken
Specify the action taken
What is the role of the external person/organisation who is thought to be responsible for the financial crime or attempted financial crime?
What is the role of the external person/organisation who is thought to be responsible for the financial crime or attempted financial crime?
Specify the role of the person/organisation who is thought to be responsible
Choose one or more options to describe how the financial crime or attempted financial crime was discovered
Choose one or more options to describe how the financial crime or attempted financial crime was discovered
Specify how the financial crime or attempted financial crime was discovered
Choose one or more options to describe the reason(s) why the financial crime occurred
Choose one or more options to describe the reason(s) why the financial crime occurred
Specify the main reason why the financial crime occurred
Confirm the value of the loss to the charity (confirmed or estimated) in pounds sterling (for example £25,000 or if the amount is unknown enter 'unknown')
Check the box below if this is estimated
Check the box below if this is estimated
What is the value of the unverified or suspicious donation(s) or financial activity (confirmed or estimated) in pounds sterling (for example 25,000 or if the amount is unknown enter 'unknown')? As a guide, trustees should report unverified or suspicious donations totalling £25,000 or more.
Check the box below if this figure is estimated
Check the box below if this figure is estimated
Choose one or more options to describe the form of the donation(s) or financial activity
Choose one or more options to describe the form of the donation(s) or financial activity
Describe the form of the donation(s) or financial activity
Choose one or more options to describe why you believe the donation(s) or financial activity to be suspicious or unverified
Choose one or more options to describe why you believe the donation(s) or financial activity to be suspicious or unverified
Provide details of the conditions attached to the donation(s)
Describe why you believe the donation(s) or financial activity to be suspicious or unverified
Who does the suspicious donation(s) or financial activity involve?
Who does the suspicious donation(s) or financial activity involve?
Describe the person's connection to the charity
Describe the person's role
Choose one option to describe the significant financial loss
Choose one option to describe the significant financial loss

As a guide for this type of incident, the Commission would expect you to report any loss of funds or property with a value:

  • totalling £25,000 or more, or
  • totalling less than £25,000 but which is in excess of 20% of the charity’s income

For amounts lower than the above, you should decide if they are significant and should be reported, taking the charity’s income, work and other factors into account. For example, damage to the charity’s main premises might be valued at less than £25,000 or 20% of the charity’s income but it might prevent the charity from delivering vital services to beneficiaries so may be reportable.

Describe the significant financial loss
Confirm the value of the loss to the charity (confirmed or estimated) in pounds sterling (for example, £25,000 or if the amount is unknown enter 'unknown')
Tick the box below if this figure is estimated
Tick the box below if this figure is estimated
Confirm whether the amount lost to the charity is likely to increase
Confirm whether the amount lost to the charity is likely to increase
Provide an estimate of the value of the likely increase in the loss to the charity in pounds sterling
Explain why you are not sure if the amount lost is likely to increase (for example, is it because an investigation is ongoing?)
Choose one or more options to describe the charity's link or suspected link to terrorism and/or extremism
Choose one or more options to describe the charity's link or suspected link to terrorism and/or extremism

A proscribed organisation is an extremist group or organisation banned by UK law. Further guidance can be found here:
Proscribed terrorist groups or organisations Open in new window

These organisations and individuals are often referred to as "designated persons". A full list of designated persons can be found at:
Current list of designated persons, terrorism and terrorist financing Open in new window

Describe the charity's link or suspected link to terrorism and/or extremism
Where did the incident happen or is alleged to have happened?
Where did the incident happen or is alleged to have happened?
Specify where the incident took place or is alleged to have taken place
Choose one option to describe the other type of significant incident that you are reporting
Choose one option to describe the other type of significant incident that you are reporting

Partners in this context includes the following and the people who come into contact with them through their work (e.g. their beneficiaries, staff and volunteers):

  • a delivery partner of the charity;
  • a subsidiary trading company of the charity;
  • an organisation that receives funding from the charity;
  • another charity or organisation that is linked to your charity (e.g. as part of a federated structure).

You will be disqualified in law under s178 of the Charities Act 2011, for example if you have an unspent conviction for fraud or theft, you are an undischarged bankrupt, or are disqualified as a director under company law.

Provide the name of the partner and its registered charity number if applicable.

Partner name
Registered charity number
Choose the option that best describes the incident type
Choose the option that best describes the incident type
Is the disqualified person a trustee or senior manager?
Is the disqualified person a trustee or senior manager?
Specify the senior manager's role within the charity
Provide the details of the trustee who has acted while disqualified


Provide the details of the trustee who has acted while disqualified


Trustee Title
Trustee Given Name
Trustee Family Name
For example, 12 11 2007
Date of birth
Select an address
Add non-UK Address
For example, 12 11 2007
Date when disqualification commenced (approximate if not known)
Has the person resigned or been removed as a trustee/senior manager?
Has the person resigned or been removed as a trustee/senior manager?
Provide details of why the person has not resigned or been removed as a trustee/senior manager
Is the person still involved within the charity in any other capacity? e.g. volunteer
Is the person still involved within the charity in any other capacity? e.g. volunteer
Provide details of the person's other role within the charity
Do you know why the person is disqualified from being a trustee/senior manager?
Do you know why the person is disqualified from being a trustee/senior manager?
Provide details of why the person is disqualified e.g. Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA), undischarged bankrupt
Which regulator(s) or Police force(s) are investigating
Name of the person(s)/officer(s) leading the investigation
Person(s)/Officer(s) Telephone Number
Person(s)/Officer(s) Email address
Case or other reference number for the investigation
Confirm the number of records affected (estimated if not known)
Do the records affected include personal data?
Do the records affected include personal data?
Confirm the number of persons whose data is affected (estimated if not known)
Does the charity have formal written policies/procedures for dealing with and responding to incidents of this nature?
Does the charity have formal written policies/procedures for dealing with and responding to incidents of this nature?

Examples of relevant policies and procedures might include:

  • Internal financial controls
  • Anti-fraud policy
  • Anti-money laundering policy
  • Cyber security procedures
  • Whistleblowing policy

Examples of relevant policies and procedures might include:

  • Safeguarding policies and procedures
  • Safe recruitment, selection and vetting procedures
  • Codes of behaviour for trustees, staff and volunteers
  • Anti-bullying policy
  • Anti-harrassment policy
  • Disciplinary procedures
  • Internal complaints procedures
  • Whistleblowing policy
Were the policies/procedures followed in relation to this incident?
Were the policies/procedures followed in relation to this incident?
State why the policies/procedures were not followed
Provide a short summary of the incident including details of what has happened and how it came to the charity's attention
Provide a short summary of the impact of the incident on the charity (For example, how has it affected the charity's staff, operations, finances and/or its reputation?)
Choose one or more options to describe the action the charity has taken in relation to the person(s) who is or may have been responsible for the incident
Choose one or more options to describe the action the charity has taken in relation to the person(s) who is or may have been responsible for the incident
Specify why no action was taken
Specify the action taken
Provide a short summary of any other steps that have been taken or are being taken to deal with the incident
Have steps been taken to recover the funds/assets lost?
Have steps been taken to recover the funds/assets lost?
What steps have been taken to recover the funds/assets lost?
What steps have been taken to recover the funds/assets lost?
Specify how the funds/assets are being recovered
Provide a short summary of the steps that have been taken or are being taken to deal with the incident
Confirm what action has been taken to prevent future incidents from occurring
Provide any other relevant information (optional)
Are the charity trustees satisfied that the action taken in response to the incident gives them assurance that it has been properly managed, the appropriate organisations and/or statutory bodies have been notified and adequate procedures are in place to manage any live risks to the charity and the people who come into contact with it through its work?
Are the charity trustees satisfied that the action taken in response to the incident gives them assurance that it has been properly managed, the appropriate organisations and/or statutory bodies have been notified and adequate procedures are in place to manage any live risks to the charity and the people who come into contact with it through its work? null
Explain why the trustees are not satisfied about this
Summary Page field

It is a criminal offence under Section 60 of the Charities Act 2011 for anyone to knowingly or recklessly provide false or misleading information to the Commission; this includes suppressing, concealing or destroying documents.

I confirm that the information I have provided in this service is true and correct to the best of my knowledge
I confirm that the information I have provided in this service is true and correct to the best of my knowledge null